Private medical emergency service in Frankfurt, Mainz & Wiesbaden With home visits around the clock
Exclusive medical care for privately insured and self-paying patients
Help in medical emergencies Top medical care in your own home

Your health in the best hands
Exclusive support whenever you need it
Experience first-class medical care at any time – there for you around the clock, quickly and discreetly.
24/7 Immediate availability
Our team of doctors is there for you at any time – without waiting times or appointment pressure.
Comfortable care at your desired location
Receive first-class medical care without leaving your home or office. We bring the practice to you and take care of your health in your familiar environment.
Discreet and personal care
Individual treatment in a trusting and professional environment, tailored to your needs.
No longer waiting times Fast & Uncomplicated

Who are we? Always there in case of need
Wir sind eine Privatpraxis in Frankfurt und bieten Ihnen ärztliche Betreuung und Versorgung auch außerhalb der regulären Sprechzeiten.
Unser Ärzteteam besteht aus Fachärzten mit langjähriger Erfahrung auf ihrem Gebiet.
Das Team des privatärztlichen Notdienstes steht Ihnen rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung. Unsere Ärzte sind mit den modernsten medizinischen Geräten ausgestattet und kommen mit ihrer ,,Praxis im Koffer“ zu Ihnen nach Hause, ins Hotel oder auch ins Seniorenheim. So bleibt Ihnen der Weg zum ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienst mit eventuell langen Wartezeiten erspart.
Who and what do we treat? Your quick support for acute complaints

Emergency diagnostics When things have to go quickly
Always available When can I contact the private medical emergency service?
- For acute illnesses that require immediate treatment.
- Outside of regular doctor’s office hours.
- If you cannot see a doctor for health reasons.
- If rapid medical assessment is necessary.

Other locations
Care in Mainz

Care in Wiesbaden

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What exactly is the private medical emergency service in Frankfurt?
Our private emergency medical service offers you medical care around the clock. We ensure that you have access to first-class medical care at all times – without waiting times and regardless of opening hours.
How can I use the private medical emergency service?
You can easily contact our service by phone or online for immediate assistance. Our team is available 24/7 and ready to help you quickly and discreetly.
What medical services are offered?
Our service offers a wide range of medical services, including general medical examinations, acute treatments, diagnostics and consultations, all in a comfortable and professional environment.
How quickly can I expect treatment?
Thanks to our immediate availability, you will be able to start treatment within minutes. There are no long waiting times - we are always ready to help you.
What qualifications do the emergency doctors have?
Our doctors are highly qualified and experienced specialists who specialize in different medical fields. You will receive the best possible medical care, tailored to your individual needs.
Is the service also suitable for emergencies?
Yes, our emergency service is specifically designed to treat acute medical emergencies quickly and efficiently. However, if you have life-threatening symptoms, we recommend that you contact the emergency services immediately on 112.